The Gentle Doctor Episodes
Episode A: This episode looks at the daily life of a police dog; visits a farm which features endangered heritage farm animals; and documents a day at an emergency & critical care veterinary hospital. There are veterinary tips on cat care - three common viral diseases; dog care - what you should feed a senior canine and games to encourage activity; and how to administer CPR to your cat or dog. (ep 601)
Episode B: This episode shows the tremendous benefits of horseback riding for disabled kids;it documents a day at a doggy daycare; and features an item on Koi Carp, highly prized fish which become family heirlooms. There are tips on caring for pets including socializing your dog; feeding fish the right amount; and how to take your dog off the road if hit by a car. (ep 603)
Episode C: This episode follows Tanya the dog on her weekly trip to cheer up residents at a hospital; introduces a woman who loves her miniature horses so much she can't give any away; and shows what it takes to get your pet into the movies. There are items on fatty liver syndrome in cat, voice intonation when dog training, treating eye infections in cats and dogs and information on why table scraps might upset your pet's nutrient balance. (ep 605)
Episode D: This episode shows a dog training method which uses positive reinforcement techniques and simple hand movements; it features a man and his racing pigeons which can find their way home over great distances; and an item on elderly cats - the care and concern they require. There are tips on tick removal, driving with your dog, feeding budgies, and cats and the high-rise syndrome. (ep 607)
Episode E: This episode shows how a psychologist helps a beleaguered dog owner understand and change her dog's bad behavior; a veterinarian gives advice on beating the war against fleas; and viewers find out why you should prepare your pets for the arrival of a baby. There are items on poison first aid, intestinal parasites in cats, feeding cats milk, and the well-trained dog. (ep 609)
Episode F This episode visits an agility competition for dogs to find out about the sport; features a blind woman and her seeing eye dog revealing this very special human\animal bond; and features a very special home aquarium - a cold water marine tank featuring the ocean life of the Pacific Northwest. Viewers also learn about cat paws, the importance of dog training, restraining cats and dogs for first aid, and the number of fish which can comfortably co-exist in an aquarium. (ep 611)
Episode G: This episode takes a look at a popular canine sport - flyball; visits the studio of a professional pet photographer to find out the tricks of the trade; and explores the fun and benefits of volunteering at a large public aquarium. There are items on catnip, dealing with the fearful dog, determining how much exercise you dog needs, and on administering pain relief to your cat or dog. (ep 613)