Womens' Wellness Episodes
Program 101: This episode includes features on: Singer, songwriter Ann Mortifee who has recently released an album of healing music; Rosalind McPhee (since deceased) who wrote "Picasso's Women," about breast cancer. There is an interview with radiologist, Dr. Linda Warren who talks about breast cancer prevention. In the first of our Maing Changes series, Debbie Casselman meets with a nutritionist to start a weight reduction program.
Program 102: This episode includes features on: the Silver Streaks, a senior\s competitive swimming team; a woman suffering from post-partum depression. There is an interview with Dr. Diana Carter about this condition. And we meet Debbie Casselman again to find out how her diet is going.
Program 103: This episode includes features on: an optometrist Dr. Robert-Michael Kaplan's unconventional ideas on and approaches to eye health; a support group of women who are trying to get off the diet treadmill. There is an interview with counselor Pat Kitchener on eating disorders. And once again we meet with Debbie Casselman who is into her third week of changing her eating habits.
Program 104: This episode includes features on: a blind Olympic athlete, Ljiljana Ljubisic, who talks to school children about self-esteem; about a woman, Patti-Jo Weisse who has suffered from endometriosis. There is an interview with gynecologist Dr. Helen Robson about this difficult condition that causes pain and sometimes infertility. And once again, we meet with Debbie Casselman who is into her fourth week of diet modification with the help of a nutritionist.
Program 105: This episode includes features on: meditation - how two women, including one doctor, have used meditation in healing; women in a smoking cessation support group talking about the challenge of quitting. There's an interview with public health educator Diane Stevenson on why women smoke and why it's harder for them to quit than for men. In a new Making Changes series, Francis Gallagher meets with Dr. Frederick Bass who will help her in her efforts to stop smoking over the next few weeks.
Program 106: This episode includes features on how three women talk are approaching sex education with their daughters; and on a young women who is living with arthritis. There is an interview with Dr. Caroline Patterson, medical director of the Arthritis Society of B.C. and the Yukon about the various forms of arthritis. In our Making Changes feature we learn that Francis Gallagher has quit smoking ahead of schedule and Dr. Bass gives some advice on dealing with nicotine withdrawal.
Program 107: In this episode, there are features on massage and it's uses as a complementary therapy, and on a deaf person who had been abused as a child. There is an interview with psychologist Brenda Knight who talks about the problems of abuse amongst the deaf population. We meet Francis Gallagher again who is completing her 2nd week of smoking cessation after a 25 year addiction.
Program 108: In this episode, there are features on rituals - a group of woman create rituals to mark important passages in their lives; and on agoraphobia - we meet agoraphobic women who have managed to break out of the cycle of panic. There is an interview with Jim Quinn who pioneered self-help groups for agoraphobics. Francis Gallagher continues to seek support and help from Dr. Frederick Bass in her third week of having quit smoking.
Program 109: In this episode, there are features on a group of women who have taken up tap dancing for fun and fitness; and on naturopathy - how one mother of young children broke her cycle of sickness through herbal remedies. There is an interview with medical anthropologist, Zuzanna Forget, on the principle tradition of herbal medicine found in North America. In the final chapter of Francis Gallagher's work to stop smoking, Dr. Bass gives her good advise to continue her smoke-free life.
Program 110: In this episode, there are features: on aborignial women who have found support, friendship and recovery from past oppression in a healing circle; and on three points of view on dealing with hormonal fluctutions in menopause - from a medical doctor, a naturopath, and a psychologist. There is an interview with Maggie Pickering about the life transition at menopause. We start a new Making Changes series. Ronit Cohen meets with psychologist Robin Rennie to start finding ways to further her creative goals.
Program 111: In this episode, there are features: on premenstrual syndrome - one woman's story who suffered devastating effects; an on the supermom myth - we meet a young woman who is coming to terms with the double demands of a career and child-rearing. There is an interview with Marilee Siegal about the trap of being a "superwoman" and what to do about it. Ronit Cohen is given some exercises by her counsellor to get her in touch with her creative self.
Program 112: In this episode, there are features: on a remarkable woman who took up gymnastics and ice dancing in middle age for fitness and fun;and on an immigrant woman who suffered from abuse from her husband and inlaws. There is an interview with Dr. Nirvair Levitt who speaks of the special challenges of immigrant women who are abused.In Ronit Cohen's couselling session, viewers learn that she is making progress in meeting her creative goals.
Program 113: In this episode, there are features: on women who have used art therapy to unblock and heal; and on a woman who tells of her story of heart disease. There is an interview with Dr. Doris Kavanagh-Gray about symptoms of heart disease in women which are different from mens. In Ronit Cohen's last meeting with her therapist Robin Rennie, she makes some major breakthroughs in furthering her creative goals.
Program 114: In this episode, there are features: on abused women who are on a wilderness program to grow and heal; and on two women who talk about their strategies for finding a doctor that suits them. There is an interview with Dr. Rhonda Low about important issues in choosing a doctor. In a new Making Changes series, Karen and her partner Steve seek help from a relationship counselor.
Program 115: In this episode, there are features: on Olympic running athlete Charmaine Crooks who tells how she maintains the discipline and training; and on a woman who has managed to win back her lifestyle after being diagnosed with osteoporosis. There is an interview with nurse Gwen Ellert about preventing osteoporosis. In the second installment of the Making Changes series, Karen and Steve learn some ways to cement their relationship.
Program 116: In this episode, there are features: on miscarriage - women talk about the emotional fall-out when this happens; on ayurvedic medicine - a medical doctor uses this tradition to complement his practise and we hear from one of his patients too. There is an interview with medical anthropologist, Zuzanna Forgac, on why some of the eastern and First Nations traditions are gaining ground. Viewers find out how Steve and Karen are progressing in trying to develop their relationship with the help of couselor Claire Maisonneuve.
Program 117: In this episode, there are features: in the first, several large women speak out against the prejudice against obesity in our society; and in the second, Evelyn Hidlebrandt, now deceased, tells her story of being infected with Aids. There is an interview with Dr. Deborah Money about how HIV is growning amongst women in all socio-economic situations. In the Making Changes series, viewers learn that Karen and Steve are making progress in patching up their shaky relationship.
Program 118: In this episode, there are features: on young women taking a different view than their elders about their menstrual cycle - they view it not as a curse, but a connection with nature; and on infertility - one women tells how she eventually solved the negative emotional cycle that infertility can cause. There is an interview with Dr. Timothy Rowe, about infertility, and some treatments that are now available. Karen reveals a deep secret in a powerfully moving segment of Making Changes where she is trying to keep her new relationship with Steve.
Program 119: In this episode, there are features on: a woman who was struck with chronic fatigue syndrome and her 8 year battle to overcome it; and on two women who have found relief for their medical problems through acupuncture. There is an interview with acupuncturist Louise DeForest who explains the underlying ideas behind this Chinese treatment. A new Making Changes series begins. Marie Carey, a working mother with three young children seeks help from psychologist Kerry Crofton to deal with her stress.
Program 120: In this episode, there are features: on Dr. Ruth Simkin, a trail-blazer for lesbian rights; and on autistic children - two mothers tell of the incredible challenges in raising them. There is an interview with Dr. Douglas Lee about autism. In this Making Changes installment, we learn what causes the stress levels to rise in working mother Marie Carey.
Program 121: In this episode, there are features: on negotiating safe sex in a relationship; and on older women and sex- seveal speak out about sex after middle age. There is an interview with sexologist, Dr. Elaini Gardiner, about sex after forty, and different women's responses. In our Making Changes series, viewers learn that Marie Carey had a particularly stressful week and Dr. Crofton has lots of good advice.
Program 122: In this episode, there are features: on our coffee culture, the up and down side of the current craze; and on addiction and abuse - there is a link, and one woman tells her story of recovery. There is an interview with social worker Mary Harber who talks about the link between women who are addicted and a history of family violence. Dr. Crofton has some final advice for stressed-out mom, Marey Carey, and we summarize how all our featured guests in the Making Changes series are doing.